Debate "The Importance of Inclusion and Human Rights in Building Sustainable Peace"
21 November 2019
New York
Évènement Région
A debate co-organized by the International Peace Institute and the Normandy Region.

Presentations at the event will highlight the importance of addressing human rights and having consultative approaches to all aspects of peace work: from prevention to peace talks to long term efforts on governance and rights.  Indeed, studies have proven that in order for peace processes to succeed—and be sustained—the inclusion of all constituencies, including elevating the important role women play–is essential)


Speakers at the event will provide insights and information on key issues at stake in order to build fair and lasting sustainable peace. Thereby, the importance of the role of women in international discussions is the subject of an increasing number of studies and which highlight their specific contribution to international mediation. Similarly, en emphasis must be made on the importance of accountability for past crimes and respect of human rights to resolve conflicts and prevent the return of violence. Partnerships with national and community-based organizations, particularly civil society organizations are a essential to support those causes and to creating and sustaining lasting peace.



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