Village pour la Paix
Start of the session
07 June 2018 09h00
End of the session
08 June 2018 18h00
Abbaye-aux-Dames, Caen
HISTORY THROUGH THEIR EYES This exhibition is part of the Eyes project. Supported by the European Union, it aims to contribute to the understanding of the Second World War and building of European by citizens in order to draw the lessons from the past. 12 educational panels are presented in the cloister of the Court of Honour. HURRY UP! With the educational programme “Pressez-vous” (Hurry up!), students from the Caen-Cherbourg College of Arts and Media (ESAM) are working on the issues of images in comics, press drawings and photomontage. For this 2017-2018 forum, ESAM has partnered with the Higher Institute of Fine Arts in Tunis and the Higher Institute of Arts and Crafts in Sfax to address recent events in the Mediterranean area (the Arab Spring, the refugee crisis and the undermining of freedom). A series of 10 images is displayed on the lawns of the Court of Honour. MOSUL TO THE DEATH After nine months of fighting ISIS, the Iraqi army supported by the international coalition freed the town of Mosul on 9 July 2017. It had been in ISIS’ hands for three years. The old town has been devastated. This report by Laurence Geai tells of the last weeks of the battle, with its share of massacres, revenge and summary executions. It tells the story of human absurdity. A series of 12 shots is displayed on the lawns of the Abbaye-aux-Dames park FORGOTTEN CONFLICTS, CONFLICTS OF TOMORROW NOOR - which means light in Arabic – is a collective of authors who investigate, inform and testify to the reality of the world and its ups and downs. As part of the 24th Bayeux-Calvados-Normandy award for war correspondents, NOOR presented a selection that reflects the major international issues of the 21st century. 50 photos are on display on the lawns and in the cloister of the Abbaye-aux-Dames. BLACK BOX In this “black box” will be broadcast loops of short films, provided by the Bayeux-Calvados-Normandy award, the French Red Cross, the International Institute for Human Rights and Peace and IRIS.