Commemorative ceremonies for the 75th anniversary of the Liberation of Saint-Lô
18 July 2019
Normandy 1944
75 years after its liberation, St Lô celebrates this key event with all its population.

The commemorative ceremonies of the 75th anniversary of the Liberation of Saint-Lô, will take 3 different forms:

  • At 16h: a tribute plaque dedicated to the 35th US Infantry Division will be unveiled down the road to Carentan
  • At 4:30 pm: Major Howie Monument - A tribute to the 29th US Infantry Division will be held at the Major Howie Roundabout (walking parade)
  • At 5 pm: A tribute will be paid to Major Howie in front of the plaque dedicated to his name - Ste Croix Church - Followed by a Vin d'honneur


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