The Freedom Prize is an educational initiative which aims to raise awareness of freedom, peace and Human rights, inspired by the values of the D-Day landings of 6 June 1944 in Normandy.
The Freedom Prize invites young people aged 15 to 25 from France and around the world to choose an inspiring person or organisation, committed to an exemplary fight for freedom.
What makes this prize so special is that it involves young people at each of its stages: from the proposals submitted to the international panel of judges to the final selection of the winner.
Organised by the Normandy Region, implemented with the International Institute of Human Rights and Peace, in partnership with the academic authorities of Normandy and the Canopé network, the Freedom Prize pays tribute to all those who have fought and continue to fight for this ideal.
Take part in the three stages of the Freedom Prize!
The call for proposals
Until 10 January 2023
Young people aged 15-25 are invited to present the person or organisation whose fight for freedom they wish to make known.
The deliberations of the international panel of judges
From 8 to 10 February 2023
An international panel of judges made up of 24 young people aged 15 to 25 meets in Normandy to consider the applications for “Our Freedom Prize 2023”, choosing three people or organizations as nominees for the online vote
The online vote
From 15 March to 25 April 2023
Online voting invites 15-25 year olds from all over the world to nominate the laureate of the 2023 Freedom Prize from among the three people or organizations chosen by the international jury.
Teachers, trainers, associations: how to take part
As a scheme for education in freedom, peace and Human rights, the Freedom Prize also aims to fuel your educational projects while promoting multidisciplinary work.
Designed to adapt to the availability and wishes of any teacher or trainer, the Freedom Prize is flexible and simple to understand.
By questioning freedoms and commitment in today's world, the Freedom Prize encourages people to express themselves concerning the struggles to be defended through the women, men and organizations that are involved in them. By helping them to identify and understand current issues, it is part of young people's development as citizens.
The call for proposals “Our Freedom Prize 2022”
Central to the scheme, it allows people to collectively question the notions of freedom and the fight for freedom while promoting personal and well-argued commitment.
The International Institute for Human Rights and Peace offers support during this stage with an awareness session in person or in remote.
-> Objective: to support the reflection of young people on freedom and commitment, but also to understand the drafting of the call for proposals form "Our Freedom Prize 2022".
If your institution is twinned with an institution abroad, this stage can be particularly rewarding as it requires cross-referencing the views of different cultures on freedom and commitment.
The online voting
The voting period offers the opportunity to debate issues of citizenship and democracy, while allowing people to examine, through the example of the three finalists, the different contexts and struggles for freedom in the world.
The International Institute for Human Rights and Peace offers support during this stage with an awareness session in person or in remote.
-> Objective: to make young people aware of citizenship and to vote for the Freedom Prize based on the study of the portraits of the three nominees and their fights for freedom.
Throughout the year, the International Institute for Human Rights and Peace is available to help you set up educational activities during these two highlights.
Educational resources:
Previous editions of the Freedom Prize
Greta Thunberg, Freedom Prize 2019

On 21 July 2019, Greta Thunberg received the Freedom Prize during a moving ceremony. It was an opportunity for Greta to come to Normandy and meet the veteran Charles Norman Shay on Omaha Beach, himself very careful to environmental issues. A meaningful meeting which concludes a 1st Freeom Prize that implied a large commitment of young people around the world.
More about the 2019 Freedom Prize
Loujain Al-Hathloul, in 2020

The 2020 Freedom Prize was awarded Friday, October 2, 2020 during the World Normandy Peace Forum, to Loujain Al-Hathloul, Saudi activist for women's rights. The young woman being imprisoned since 2018 in Saudi Arabia, it is these sisters, Lina and Alia Al-Hathloul, who were present to receive the prize. A ceremony rich in emotions to conclude a second edition of the Freedom Prize which once again mobilized young people from around the world at each of its stages.
More about the 2020 Freedom Prize
Sonita Alizada, in 2021

The 2021 Freedom Prize was awarded Thursday 30 September, 2021 to Sonita Alizada, an Afghan rapper committed against forced child marriage. Now a refugee in the United States where she studies human rights, Sonita Alizada received her trophy at home. Despite the distance, she wanted to send a particularly moving message to the young people who named her the laureate of the Freedom Prize.
More about the 2021 Freedom Prize
Child Rights and Rehabilitation Network, in 2022

The online vote elected Child's Right and Rehabilitation Network (CRARN) as winner of the 2022 Freedom Prize.