Online vote for the Freedom Prize
09 March 2020 - 12 April 2020
Caen, Normandy
Évènement Région
Freedom Prize
The Freedom prize is an initiative which aims to raise awareness of freedom and peace organized by the Normandy Region, the International Institute for Human Rights and Peace, and Canopé. Young international people will be involved in each stage of the project : from proposals to vote and the judges!
An online vote is accessible for over a month, for 15-25 year olds from around the world to choose the winner of the 2020 Freedom Prize from the three finalists.
During the voting period, the digital platform and presentation of the finalists can be found on this website.
The winner will be presented with the 2020 Freedom Prize at an award ceremony in Caen on 3 June, 2020, as part of the Normandy World Peace Forum. On this occasion, he or she will receive an endowment of €25,000 to support his or her fight for freedom.
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