Emmanuel Davidenkoff is the deputy managing editor of Le Monde, responsible for events. As a long-time specialist in pedagogical issues, he has covered this sector in the general press (Libération) and the specialist press (Phosphore, l'Etudiant, where he was the managing editor, etc.), as well as on the radio (20 years of columns on France Info). He has published several works including Wake up, Jules Ferry, they’ve gone crazy (Oh ! Editions, 2006) and The Digital Tsunami (Stock, 2014).
He is also the chair of Labo des histoires, a 1901 association that runs writing workshops for young people, particularly those from disadvantaged areas, in around ten regions including Normandy.
Emmanuel Davidenkoff will participate in the Normandy World Peace Forum on 2 October 2020 at 2 p.m. as the chair of the 2020 Freedom Prize Jury.