Yvan Guichaoua

Yvan Guichaoua is an independent researcher specializing in conflict analysis. He holds a PhD in Economics from the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (Paris) and has held successive research and teaching positions at the universities of Oxford, Yale, and East Anglia. 

Since 2004, Yvan has been studying the dynamics of violent mobilization in West Africa (Ivory Coast, Nigeria, Mali, Niger). 

Since 2007, Yvan Guichaoua has been focusing more specifically on the Sahel and the evolving security governance in the region. 

Yvan Guichaoua is the author of numerous academic works and reports for various organizations (International Crisis Group, World Bank, UK Stabilisation Unit, etc.).

Independent researcher specializing in conflict analysis, Sahel's specialist
Participation in the sessions of the Forum