Didier Le Bret

A career diplomat, Didier Le Bret has held positions in Moscow, Vilnius, New York, and Dakar. He was the French Ambassador to Haiti during the 2010 earthquake and headed the Crisis Center of the Quai d’Orsay from 2012 to 2015 before being appointed National Intelligence Coordinator (2015-2016). 

He joined ESL & NETWORK in 2018 as a partner. He was also a senior consultant at ALP, a consulting and investment firm created and led by Anne Lauvergeon. 

He was appointed Coordinator in charge of preparing the international summit “New Financial Pact” (Paris, June 2023). 

He is currently the director of the Diplomatic and Consular Academy. 

He has been a member of several Boards of Directors (Action Against Hunger, Fondation des Langues Orientales/INALCO, Synopia Governance Observatory), and he was also the founder and Secretary General of the association “Rendez les Doléances!”. 

He is the author of an essay, L’Homme au défi des crises, published by Robert Laffont (2017), and he directed a collective work, Rendez les doléances, enquête sur la parole confisquée des Français, published by JC Lattès (2022).

Ambassador, Director of the Diplomatic and Consular Academy of the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs
Participation in the sessions of the Forum