Déborah Livet has a doctorate in music history and musicology from Paris Sorbonne University. She is a lecturer at the University of Rouen Normandie and has worked for the Normandy Regional Orchestra for over ten years. She regularly presents concerts and lectures to make art music accessible to a wider audience.
She published a book on the writings of Ermend Bonnal (1880–1944) and has written several articles for websites, opera programs and university research centres (the French Musical Observatory of Paris-Sorbonne University, the GÉRHICO Centre of the University of Poitiers or the Centre for Victorian, Edwardian and Contemporary Studies and Research of the University of Montpellier III). Her research mainly focuses on European music between 1870 and 1950, the character of Salomé in music, female composers in the 20th century and resistance musicians during the Second World War.
She is an associated researcher at the HisTeMé laboratory (EA 7455) at the University of Caen in Normandy. In 2020, she joined the RIN CorNum's SpectaNum project, to reconstruct the musical activity of the Normandy Regional Orchestra in Dezède from the orchestra's creation in 1982 until December 2022, a total of forty years of activity.