Graduate of the Institute of Political Studies and former student of the National School of Administration (1980)
Ambassador of France
Chair# of the Plan International France Foundation
Former Ambassador, Chair of the French Association for the United Nations
Administrator of France Terre d’Asile
Administrator of France Médias Monde
At the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs from 1980 to 2009 and again from 2013 to 2019. Posted in different countries (Canada, United States, Greece) and in various ministerial offices (cooperation and development, European affairs, foreign affairs, humanitarian action). Director of the United Nations and International Organisations (2003-2005). Permanent Representative of France to the United Nations in Geneva then in New York. French Ambassador to Greece (2000-2003), Russia (2013-2017) and China (2017-2019). Technical advisor and diplomatic advisor to the Prime Minister (1988-1991 and 1997-2000). Deputy Secretary-General of the United Nations, Special Envoy of the UN Secretary-General to Pakistan in 2009-2010 and Ambassador of the European Union to Turkey in 2012-2013.
Author of "Diplomatie de combats" (Sept. 2023, Perrin/Presses de la cité)