2018 Normandy World Peace Forum
Date: June 8, 2018
- Launch of the 2019 Freedom Prize
On the initiative of the Normandy Region, the Freedom Prize each year elects a personality who has made an exceptional commitment in favour of Freedom. As part of a new educational process, the winner will be nominated by a panel of young people from around the world.
The first Freedom Prize will be awarded around 6 June 2019 in Caen, as part of the 75th anniversary of the Normandy landings and the second edition of Normandy for Peace Forum.
For this occasion, the original manuscript of Liberté, j’écris ton nom by Paul Eluard will be presented exceptionally outside the Institut Mémoires de l’Édition Contemporaine (IMEC) by Nathalie Léger.
- What are the factors of destabilization behind tomorrow’s conflicts?
Driven by new momentum, the origins of contemporary conflicts are tending to change considerably. Scarcity of resources, rising water levels, increasing inequalities, rising prices of raw materials ... all these new causes foretell tomorrow’s conflicts.
Keynote speech from Ban Ki-moon, 8th United Nations Secretary General
- Normandy's appeal in favour of the Rohingyas
With Philippe Bolopion, Human Rights Watch, deputy advocacy director and Tun Khin, President of Burmese Rohingya UK (BROUK)