Football match for peace

A football match for peace
Video produced by the Normandy Region on the occasion of the Normandy World Peace Forum 2019
Realization: 2019
Video produced by the Normandy Region on the occasion of the Normandy World Peace Forum 2019
Realization: 2019
This international football match was organized as part of the 2nd Normandy World Peace Forum, which celebrated Colombia. The club La Paz FC team met a selection of Normandy at the Henry Jeanne Stadium in Bayeux.
La Paz FC created in 2016, brings together under the same banner former victims of the Colombian conflict and former FARC guerrillas in reintegration. This initiative is part of the broad process of reconciliation currently under way in Colombia, following the signing in 2016 of peace agreements aimed at ending more than 50 years of armed conflict.