From targeted manipulation to cyber attacks, armed drones and biological weapons, conflicts and wars are becoming increasingly common. How to prepare for it? How to regulate them? What will the conflicts of the future look like? "L'Obs" will explore this crucial theme on April 25 in Rouen, from 6pm to 9pm at the Chapelle Corneille.
This seminar is part of Obs's "2049" operation, which will take the form of a collection of articles, a section and a series of evening meetings from April to December.
"Obs cannot predict the future, nor can it invent it. But his ambition is to explore the scenarios of the future with the best experts: forecasters, engineers, researchers, philosophers and science fiction authors. In order to shed light on the political, societal and ethical choices that shape tomorrow's world today."
Dominique Nora, Managing Editor
Florence Parly, Minister of the Armed Forces
Jean-Baptiste Jeangène Vilmer, Director of the Strategic Research Institute of the Military Academy (Irsem)
Nicole Gnesotto, President of the Board of Directors of the Institut des Hautes Etudes de Défense nationale (IHEDN)
Thomas Gomart, Director of the French Institute of International Relations (Ifri)
Valérie Niquet, Senior Researcher at the Foundation for Strategic Research (FRS)
Moderated by Vincent Jauvert, head of the foreign service of the "Obs".
Caroline Brandao, Head of the International Humanitarian Unit of the Red Cross
Jean-Baptiste Colas, Military Advisor, Innovation and Digital Transition, Directorate General of Armaments (DGA)
Etienne Huver, journalist, author, with Boris Razon, of "Les Nouvelles Guerres" (Stock editions, May 2019)
Bénédicte Jeannerod, Director of Human Rights Watch France
Moderated by Pierre Haski, editorialist at "l'Obs"