Virginie Bagneux

Her research activities at the Laboratory of Psychology Caen-Normandie (LPCN, UR7425) at the University of Caen-Normandie focus on information processing, decision-making, and critical thinking. She is particularly interested in understanding the various cognitive biases at play in these thought processes (e.g., emotional influence) and in developing tools to measure critical thinking with the aim of testing the effectiveness of educational devices designed to develop media and information literacy (MIL) and critical thinking (CT) among diverse audiences. 

As such, she is a member of Working Group No. 8 of the National Education Scientific Council (CSEN): Developing Critical Thinking ( She has co-led the Master’s program in Social Intervention Psychology at the University of Caen for several years, training future social psychologists to support change in various areas of civil society (environment, public health, and work). 

Currently, she co-leads the third year of the Bachelor’s program in Psychology at the University of Caen-Normandie. She regularly conducts training sessions and conferences on critical thinking and its development. She works with various actors in Scientific, Technical, and Industrial Culture (STIC) such as science mediators (e.g., Le Dôme), library/media network, as well as with teachers (CANOPE, EAFC, CSEN) and the general public. 

Her goal is to promote the tools of the scientific method (e.g., zetetics) to enable individuals to make informed decisions and act in their daily lives while developing their intellectual self-defense.

Associate professor in social psychology at Caen Normandy University
Organization :
Caen - France
Participation in the sessions of the Forum
Youth Highlights