Céline Bardet is a lawyer and international criminal investigator, specialising in war crimes and international crimes, post-conflict justice and security issues. She also specialises in transitional justice, terrorism and organised crime. Over the last 20 years, she has worked in more than 40 countries in crisis or post-conflict, focusing on mass crimes, war crimes, organised crime and security, from Pakistan to Central and Eastern Africa, from the Sahel to the Middle East. She spent more than 10 years working on the Balkan conflict, focusing on how to rebuild post-conflict societies and the relationship between war criminals and their victims. She also works on issues surrounding radicalisation.
Having observed an increase in wartime sexual violence and its systematic use in areas of conflict, along with total impunity, a lack of suitable responses within these communities and limited services available to survivors in distress, she decided to create the NGO We Are Not Weapons of War (WWoW) in 2014 which fights sexual violence in conflicts around the world through innovative and creative legal approaches, providing a comprehensive, holistic and effective response to the endemic use of rape in areas of political fragility. WWoW also develops activities which focus on the links between justice and security, access to justice and the reform of security forces in post-conflict areas. She works with the UN, the EU and Interpol, is a lecturer and a writer and speaks at many international conferences. She has won numerous international awards.