Nicolas Baverez is a barrister at the Paris Bar and an associate at Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP,treasurer of Plan International France (a charitable association which sponsors children in developing countries) and a Member of the Board of the magazine Commentaire. Mr Baverez graduated from the Institut d’Etudes Politiques in Paris in 1982, has held the agrégé academic rank in social sciences since 1983 and graduated from the Ecole National d’Administration in 1988.
Publications: Les trente piteuses (Thirty Pitiful Years), Flammarion, 1997; Les orphelins de la liberté (The Orphans of Freedom) Plon, 1999; La France qui tombe (Falling France), Perrin, 2003; Raymond Aron : penser la liberté, penser la démocratie (Raymond Aron: Rethinking Freedom, Rethinking Democracy), Gallimard, Quarto, 2005; Nouveau Monde, Vieille France (New World, Old France), Perrin, 2006; Danser sur un volcan (Dancing on a Volcano), Albin Michel, 2016; Chroniques du déni (Chronicles of Denial) (Albin Michel, 2017); Violence et Passions : Défendre la liberté à l’âge de l’histoire universelle (Violence and Passion: Defending Freedom in the Age of Universal History), Editions de l’Observatoire, 2018 and more.