After working at GRIP during the 1980s, Georges Berghezan returned in the early 2000s. Since then, he has concentrated on the numerous "post-cold war" conflicts, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa, and the tools used to carry them out. Small Arms and Light Weapons, whose use and transfers are only beginning to be somewhat regulated.
It is therefore around these two issues - Africa and small arms - that Georges Berghezan conducts most of his activities. In particular, he has made several trips to Central Africa to conduct or coordinate research or to organize training activities for civil society, in particular through the RAFAL network of which he is a coordinator. The issue of arms trafficking is also at the heart of his research, especially those violating international embargoes. Finally, he continues to follow closely the situation in the Balkans, where he made many reports at the time of the wars of former Yugoslavia.