Ferdaous Bouhlel is a researcher in political anthropology at the EMAM laboratory (Arab and Mediterranean World) at the University of Tours. As such, she has carried out several academic works and action research on armed conflict in North Mali, reference systems and mechanisms for the regulation of war and peace, conflict management tools in Mali and more generally in the Sahel.
Since 2013, she has also been an independent consultant and expert in conflicts, mediation and peacebuilding. She worked as a technical expert in mediation during the negotiations of the Algiers Process (2014-2015) and is currently carrying out several works in strategy and peace support, with Malian and international institutions (bilateral and multilateral). She is interested in endogenous conflict prevention and management mechanisms (particularly in local arbitration and regulation levers, but also in Islamic peace jurisprudence) and participates in academic debates on engineering, standards and international peace mediation instruments. Based between Mali and Mauritania since 2009, Ferdaous Bouhlel has acquired a field knowledge surrounding the dynamics of the conflict in Mali, which has allowed her to access the various warring parties involved in the conflict, based in Bamako or in the north of the country.
Since 2018, she has been an instructor and trainer in Mediation at the School of Peacekeeping (EMP) in Bamako.
Her latest study, published by the Berghof Foundation, addresses the issue surrounding engagement in dialogue with groups with jihadist views in Mali.