Karima Dirèche is an associate professor of history and Director of Research at the Maison Méditerranéenne des Sciences de l'Homme Aix in Provence in the TELEMIMe laboratory (Time, Space, Languages of Southern Europe and the Mediterranean). An expert on contemporary Maghrebian societies, part of her work examines issues of remembrance, nationalism and identity in the Maghreb during the colonial and post-independence periods. In doing so, she deciphers the ‘uses’ of history and the institutionalisation of national "exceptions" since independence.
Her work also focuses on the history of religious minorities (Jewish and Christian) in the Maghreb and the religious and political controversies they generate in relation to the rule of law and individual freedoms. .
Latest works: Histoire politique du Maghreb depuis les indépendances (to be published in 2023 by Armand Colin Editions ) and L’Algérie au présent. Entre changements et résistance (Karthala Editions)