Founder and manager of LA BALAGUERE S.A.S since 1984, a hiking and walking tour operator which specialises in the Pyrenees, involved in local development and the conservation of the mountains and their environment. He is a founding member (2004) and the Chair (since October 2013) of the association for French tour operators, ATR, Agir pour un Tourisme Responsable (ATR, Acting for Responsible Tourism). ATR has developed the Agir pour un Tourisme Responsable (Acting for Responsible Tourism) quality label, in collaboration with Ecocert Environnement. At a regional and local level, he founded and chaired the ELDORANDO festival from 2004 to 2019, was the Vice-President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry for Tarbes and the Hautes Pyrenees for Tourism from 2010 to 2019 and is a former Chair of the Sustainable Development Commission. He is also a member of the Comité de Massif des Pyrénées.