As co-founder and Editorial Director of the association, SavoirDevenir.net, Pascale Garreau is in charge of strategy and content, particularly in the areas of disinformation, privacy, algorithms, the environment, stereotypes, hate speech and Internet geopolitics. As the coordinator of the European Commission's, "Better Internet France" programme from 2008 to 2016, she actively promotes digital citizenship education for young people within the association. Savoir Devenir was created in 2017 by Divina Frau-Meigs, Pascale Garreau and Bérangère Blondeau. This association under the French law of 1901 aims to reinstate citizens' power over their media and digital life through actions promoting Media and Information Education and digital literacy. It is supported by the UNESCO Savoir*Devenir Chair at the Sorbonne Nouvelle University and is supported by a network of partners in France and abroad. Main activities: • Conferences and round tables • Creation and coordination of training courses (Ministry of Culture, National Education, Dracs, CD31, libraries, CPNE...) • Creation of resources (MOOCs, videos, serious games, podcasts, verification tools, EMI guides and curricula, youth press, books...) • Coordination of the European projects YouCheck! and YouVerify! and implementation in West Africa of the Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie • Participation in the European projects Play Your role (fight against hate speech), ENID (innovative online teaching methodologies) and Crossover (algoliteracy) • Partner of the Rencontres de l'Esprit Critique • Participation in various collectives and working groups of SAVOIR DEVENIR. Maison de la Recherche Sorbonne Nouvelle. 4, rue des Irlandais 75005 Paris. Passcale@Savoirdevenir.ne