Pierre Henry has played, from the moment he became Director-General in 1997, a decisive role in the development of the association France terre d'asile, by building one of the largest organization in the field of human and migrants’ rights defense (900 employees and 75 million euros of annual budget). He is a recognized expert in the migration sector.
He is auditor of the 27th session of the Institute FMES (IHEDN). He was appointed Knight of the Legion of Honor in 2013. He is President of France Fraternités, an organization for the prevention of hate speech online and the promotion of secular solidarity initiatives. In August 2017, he became a member of the Franco-German Integration Council.
Pierre Henry is a graduate of the School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences (French: École des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales; also known as EHESS) and holds a degree in philosophy. After working in the European Parliament and leading the Mediterranean Institute of Communication, he was appointed Chief of Staff of the President of the Office of International Migration (IMO). He served for six years as Head of Communications of the Regional Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Picardy. He was city councilor from 1983 to 1989 (PS) during the mandate of Alain Peyrefitte in Provins.
He was a member of the Executive Committee of the European Council for Refugees and Exiles (ECRE) from 2008 to 2014, as well as Deputy Secretary-General of the association Droit et Démocratie. From 2005 to 2011, he was a member of the Board of Directors of the French Office of Immigration and Integration (Ofii). He is accredited to the UN (ECOSOC). He is a member of the Franco-German Integration Council (CFAI) since its creation in 2017.
Pierre Henry has published several books:
• Immigration : Open Letter to Humanists in General and to Socialists in Particular, Les points sur les i editions, 2008
• Panic at the Borders– an Inquiry into Europe that Shuts Itself Off), afterword, Max Milo editions, 2011
• Danger in the Country of Normal Left-wing, with Jean-Luc Gonneau, Les points sur les I editions, 2014
• K. O. or Brotherhood, Hermann Publishing, November 2016