Happymon Jacob

Happymon Jacob is an Associate Professor of Diplomacy and Disarmament at the School of International Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), and is the founder of the Council for Strategic and Defence Research, a New Delhi-based think tank. 

Dr Jacob has been a member of the Pugwash Council since 2013. 

Dr Jacob is an accomplished author, having written the books ‘Line on Fire: Ceasefire Violations and India-Pakistan Escalation Dynamics’ (OUP, 2019) and ‘Line of Control: Traveling with the Indian and Pakistani Armies’ (Penguin Viking, 2018). 

He is a regular columnist for The Hindustan Times.

Associate Professor of Diplomacy and Disarmament at the School of International Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU)
Participation in the sessions of the Forum
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