Donia Kaouach

Donia Kaouach began her career in investment banking in Paris, then in London. She left the banking sector to invest in civil society with Karama Advocacy for Democracy in Tunisia, a think tank relaying the messages of the Tunisian revolution in Europe and assisting the transitional government on regional disparities. 

In 2015, she became politically active in France and joined Alain Juppé’s campaign. In 2016, convinced of the essential role of women in Tunisian society, she created the think tank “Tunisiennes fières,” bringing together women leaders to promote Tunisia and their political action. In partnership with Sisley, “Tunisiennes fières” created the Women’s Entrepreneurship Award. She co-founded, with the president of the think tank Femmes, Débat et Société (FDS), Senator Catherine Dumas, the Autumn University of Tunisian and French Women, organizing meetings between women leaders from both countries. 

In 2016, she created, on behalf of Jean-Pierre Raffarin, former French Prime Minister, the NGO Leaders for Peace (LPP), of which she is the general director and a board member. LPP brings together 40 high-level international personalities committed to promoting peace and multilateralism.

 In 2020, Donia Kaouach developed the itinerant schools of peace to contribute to the training of elite leaders in the Global South, particularly in Africa. She has received several awards for her commitment to women and education.

Executive director for Leaders for Peace
Organization :
Participation in the sessions of the Forum