Tun Khin was born and brought up in Arakan State, Burma. His grandfather was a Parliamentary Secretary during democratic period of Burma. Although well-established and respected, alongside a million other ethnic Rohingya, Tun Khin was rendered stateless by a 1982 nationality law that excluded the Rohingya from a list of groups considered indigenous and therefore eligible for Burmese nationality. He is current President of Burmese Rohingya Organisation UK which has been a leading voice for Rohingya people around the world.
Tun Khin has briefed officials on the continuing human rights violations committed against Rohingya populations at the US Congress and State Department, British Parliament, Swedish Parliament, European Union Parliament and Commission, the UN Indigenous Forum in NY and the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva.
He wrote articles in British independent newspaper, Democratic Voice of Burma and Mizzima Burmese Medias. Tun Khin has been a featured speaker on Rohingya's rights for the BBC, Sky, Al Jazeera, and many other outlets. He has also published opinion pieces in the Huffington Post, Democratic Voice of Burma and Mizzima Burmese Medias.
Tun Khin received a leadership award from Refuges International, Washington DC in April 2015 for his work on the Rohingya issue.