Doctor Benoit Laignel is a professor at the University of Rouen in Normandy and has been a member of the CNRS UMR 6143 research laboratory on Continental and Coastal Morphodynamics and the Department of Geosciences and the Environment since 2004 (senior lecturer from 1998 to 2004); he has been an associate professor at the University of Senghor in Alexandria, Egypt since 2010 and was an associate researcher in NASA’s Jet Propulsion laboratory (2018-2019).
He received his doctorate in 1997 and received accreditation to supervise research in geosciences and the environment in 2003 from the University of Rouen.
Professor Laignel is:
- An expert member of the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change),
- A member of the FRIEND-Water initiative of UNESCO’s International Hydrological Programme,
- A member of the Science Team of the SWOT satellite mission (CNES, NASA, ECSA & UKSA programme) and a co-ordinator for coastal and estuarine areas,
- Co-chair of the Normandy IPCC, a Normandy Region initiative,
- Chair of the local IPCC of the metropolitan area of Rouen Normandy as part of the local COP 21 of the metropolitan area, in partnership with WWF and ADEME,
- A member of the Environmental Authority Regional Mission, appointed by the French Minister of the Environment, Energy and the Sea (2016 to 2019),
Professor Laignel has participated or is currently participating in 42 scientific programmes (16 as a co-ordinator, 11 international, 11 national, 11 inter-regional, 9 regional). He has published 90 articles, has contributed to 145 papers given at national and international symposia and has attended 50 conferences as a guest speaker.
His research focuses on: climate change and water resources and hazards/risks (flooding/erosion) from the continent to the coastline, monitoring the hydrodynamics and morpho-sedimentary evolution of coastal and estuarine areas using a multi-sensor approach (land, video camera, drones, Lidar and satellites).