Jean-Marc Mignon has devoted his entire professional life to the sectors of youth tourism and social tourism. After being Program Manager and Director of the Club des 4 vents, an international youth exchange association, he was, from 1991 to 2010, the General Delegate of the National Union of Tourism Associations, in France. Internationally, he was President of the International Federation of Youth Travel Organizations from 1987 to 1997.
After being vice-president for about fifteen years, and was elected president of the OITS at the Rimini congress, in autumn 2010. The OITS is one of the first affiliated members of the UNWTO , signatory of the Global Code of Ethics. Jean Marc Mignon was named a member of the World Committee on Tourism Ethics in 2013. He was also at the origin of the creation of the Association of Fair and Solidarity Tourism in France, in 2006.