Associate Professor in the history of law at the University of Caen Normandy, Sophie Poirey specializes in Norman institutions and customary law still in force in the bailiwicks of Jersey and Guernsey, former dependencies of the Duchy of Normandy. Director of the Certificate of Legal and Normative Studies, she trains every year, at the Faculty of Law of Caen, lawyers from the Channel Islands and the United Kingdom but also from Australia, New Zealand or Africa- South and wishing to obtain the title of lawyer at the Royal Court of Guernsey. Member of the University Office of Norman Studies (OUEN), she is also involved in the Diploma of Norman Studies (DUEN) on the legal status of women in Normandy and foreign applications of Norman customary law (Sicily, England). , Canada and Channel Islands). Co-director of the Maritime Pole of the House of Research in Human Sciences (MRSH) of the University of Caen Normandy, she regularly organizes seminars and symposia on the Channel Islands.
Author of many publications on the institutions and the law Norman, Sophie Poirey also participated with Hédi Tillette of Clermont-Tonnerre to the writing of two plays on its specialty, the Norman right without penalty (June 2012, creation of the Trident, National Scene Cherbourg) and The Two Brothers and the Lion (September 2013), scheduled annually at the Festival d'Avignon and in various French cities.