Jean Jacques Poumo Leumbe holds a Doctorate in Law from the University of Limoges. He is the founding President of the Action for the Protection in Africa of Internally Displaced and Environmental Migrants (APADIME); association created in 2011 that works in the fields of peace and human rights in Francophone Africa, partner of the National Commission for Human Rights and Freedoms of Cameroon.
He has participated as an expert in several international projects on migration including the project Disasters and human rights (CADHOM) of the French Research Agency (ANR) in partnership with the International Center for Comparative Environmental Law (CIDCE), as well as the project "Intra-ACP Migration Facility" which aimed to support African States in a process to better know and manage migration flows. He is the author of a book on the legal status of internally displaced persons and several articles on post-conflict emergencies. He is currently working with the Magellan Research Center of the University of Lyon 3 on a research project about waste management strategies in Africa and the displacement of populations.