Jean-Luc Stalon

Jean-Luc Stalon is currently the Resident Representative of the United Nations Development Programme in the Central African Republic. He has extensive experience as a Development Practitioner with over 28 years of service to the United Nations in Africa, Asia, and the Pacific. 

Jean-Luc Stalon has accumulated proven experience in crisis management and the implementation of large, structuring, and transformational programs to accelerate development. Throughout his career, he has achieved substantial results in Partnership and Resource Mobilization, has a very good understanding of the Humanitarian – Development – Peace Nexus, and has solid experience in multilateral cooperation and integrated UN missions. 

Mr. Stalon holds a PhD in Political Science from the University of Yaoundé II and a diploma in Advanced Studies in Social Sciences from the Sorbonne Nouvelle University in Paris. He is the author of several high-level published articles in the field of development and recently published a book on Elite Growth: Proposal for a New Inequality Index with Editions du Cygne in Paris (2020).

Resident Representative of the United Nations Development Programme in the Central African Republic
Participation in the sessions of the Forum