Benjamin Stora was born in Constantine (Algeria) in 1950. He is a historian, Doctor of State in History and Sociology, Professor Emeritus of Universities, Inspector General of National Education (IGEN) and former President of the National Museum of Immigration History (Paris, 2014-2020). At the request of the President of the French Republic, he submitted a report on the "Memory of Colonisation and the Algerian War" in 2021.
With Abdelwahab Meddeb, he edited an encyclopaedia, Histoire des relations entre juifs et musulmans (Albin Michel, 2013). He recently published Une mémoire algérienne (Robert Laffont, 2020), France-Algérie. Les passions douloureuses (Albin Michel, 2021) and a comic book with Nicolas Lescanff, Histoire dessinée des juifs d'Algérie (La Découverte, 2021).
Benjamin Stora was the general curator of the exhibitions "Jews of the East" at the Institut du Monde Arabe (2021) and at the Musée National de l'Histoire de l'Immigration (2022). He has published some forty works of history and sociology on the history of the contemporary Maghreb and Algeria (Ed La Découverte, Stock, Gallimard, Albin Michel). He has been a historical advisor on several feature films, including Indochine, (Oscar for Best Foreign Film, 1993) and Les hommes libres(presented at the Cannes Film Festival, 2011). He is the author of several television documentaries (around ten). Last broadcast, "C'était la guerre d'Algérie" , a five-hour series on France 2 in prime time, March 2022.