
Ivan Tyutrin — politician, co-founder of the Free Russia Forum.
Born in Tomsk in 1981. In 2003 graduated from the Historical department of Tomsk State University. Since the foundation of the United Civil Front in June 2005 headed Tomsk regional department of the UCF and is member of the Bureau of the Federal Council of UCF. In May 2008 joined the National Assembly of RF and its Council.
2008 - 2013 – member of the Federal political council of ODD “Solidarity”. Since 2010 till 2012 – executive director of ODD “Solidarity”. In 2011-2012 participated in organization of mass protest moves of the Russian opposition. In March 2016 together with Garry Kasparov was organizer of “Free Russia Forum” in Vilnius.
Co-founder, Free Russia Forum
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