“Writers and peace” literary evening
Edition 2020
Start of the session
02 October 2020
End of the session
02 October 2020
Organised in partnership with the magazine L’OBS, a literary evening hosted by Jérôme Garcin will be the closing event of the Normandy World Peace Forum on Friday 2 October at 8pm.
Focusing on literary criticism, a panel made up of Justine Augier, Marc Duguain, Jean-Christophe Rufin and Scholastique Mukasonga will explore the relationship between authors, literature and peace. Their contributions, their analysis and their explanations of current affairs, conflicts and peace processes will provide an opportunity to learn more about the subject of the Forum’s debates.
Because of the sanitary crisis, some speakers will address the conference through videos: Scholastique Mukasonga, Jean-Christophe Ruffin.
(Re)watch the session: