Since 2017, Sébastien Abis has been the director of the Club DEMETER. This ecosystem, which gathers together 71 companies and professional structures, focuses on future-oriented considerations, global issues and the cross-sectoral dynamics linked to agriculture, food and sustainable development. Around its member companies, it networks 18 higher education schools, mobilises French and international experts and cooperates with 3 national ministries.
Sébastien Abis has been a researcher associated with IRIS (The French Institute for International and Strategic Affairs) since 2012.
Between international cooperation work, promotion of networks of companies and research, Sébastien Abis has developed expertise in the geopolitics of agriculture and food in the world. He also works on strategic issues concerning the sea and on the development of Euro-Mediterranean relations.
Sébastien Abis is the author of numerous books and articles. In 2020, he published "Géopolitique de l’agriculture” [The geopolitics of agriculture] with Pierre Blanc and "Géopoliculture: histoires et pouvoirs alimentaires dans le monde” [Geopolyculture: food stories and powers in the world]. Each year, he co-supervises "Le Déméter", a collective work. His book “Géopolitique du blé” [The geopolitics of wheat] received the Young Author Geopolitical Book Prize 2017.
Sébastien Abis is a member of the editorial board of the journal Futuribles and of Revue Internationale et Stratégique (RIS). He is a scientific advisor for Futuribles International and Euromed-IHEDN. He is a columnist for L’Opinion (where he created the series "Le dessous des tables”), France Info TV and for the INRAE’s (French National Research Institute for Agriculture) journal Sésame. Each year, he produces the Middle East geopolitical pages for the publication Cyclope.
Sébastien Abis is a reservist with the French Navy (RCIT) and a qualified member of French civil society for the Interministerial Delegation to the Mediterranean (DIMED).