Loïck Berrou


Loïck Berrou,  Deputy Director at France 24, in charge of magazines and reports since 2012 

-    Former TF1 correspondent in Japan (1989/1990) and the United States (1999/2005)
-    Senior reporter for TF1’s overseas department (1990/1999) 
-    Reports for TF1 magazines and documentaries (L’Enjeu, Le Droit de Savoir) and Elephant & Cie (7 à 8, 2005/2007)
-    Editor-in-Chief, then Editor-in-Chief of magazines, then Director of Reports and Magazines at France 24 since 2012. 
-    He has won 22 international awards for France 24’s reports and magazines.

Member of the panel of judges at: The Festival du Scoop d’Angers (2006/2008), the Festival Bayeux/Calvados des Correspondants de Guerre (2012/2018), the European Migrants Awards (2017/2019), the Emmy Awards for Current Affairs (2016/2018). Trophée des Français de l’Etranger (2015/17). Prix Rotary/Jeunes Reporters (2015/2018) and winner of the Bourse Jean d’Arcy/TF1 (1987).

France 24 Deputy Director
Organization :
Issy-les-Moulineaux - France
Participation in the sessions of the Forum