He heads the French branch of the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons, an organisation that won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2017. He has spent over 20 years working on issues of nuclear deterrence, disarmament and nuclear non-proliferation. His expertise allowed him to participate in the entire process (2010/2016) known as the "humanitarian initiative" and in the negotiation process at the UN of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons for ICAN France. He also participates in the working group for the implementation of articles 6 and 7 of this treaty
He has published numerous columns (Le Monde, Libération, L'Opinion, Le Figaro, Le Temps, La Croix, La Libre Belgique), academic articles and books (including as co-author "L’illusion nucléaire : la face cachée de la bombe atomique" Ed. ELCM, 2018). He helped write the third global report “Nuclear Weapons Ban Monitor” (January 2021), produced by a consortium of NGOs to supervise the implementation of the TIAN.
He is also an associate researcher within the Belgian think tank the Group for Research and Information on Peace and Security (GRIP) and lectures on the Bachelor's degree course at the École des Hautes Etudes Internationales et Politiques (HEIP), at Science politique Rennes in the master's 2 "Future Generations and Legal Transitions", and at Science politique Strasbourg in the master's 2 "International Development and Cooperation".
He founded and directed (2009 to 2016) the French and French-speaking branch of the network of Parliamentarians for Non-Proliferation and Nuclear Disarmament (PNND France) and he co-founded (with Paul Quilès, former Minister of Defence and General Bernard Norlain) the association Initiatives for Nuclear Disarmament (IDN).
Latest publications for information (non-exhaustive list)
- Jean-Marie Collin, Catherine Maia, Nuclear Weapons and International Law: Visions of a Plural World, Lisbone, EUL, 260 p, 2021.
- Jean-Marie Collin, Michel Drain, Paul Quilès, L'illusion nucléaire : La face cachée de la bombe atomique, Editions Charles Leopold Mayer, 200 p, 2018.
- Jean-Marie Collin, Paul Quilès, Bernard Norlain, Arrêtez la Bombe ! , Editions Le Cherche Midi, 260 p, 2013.
- Jean-Marie Collin, La Bombe, l’univers opaque du nucléaire, Editions Autrement, collection Frontières, 201 p, 2009.
- Clichés, Le droit du nucléaire, Red Cross France, March 2023.