Fatiha Dazi-Héni is a PhD political scientist researcher on Arabian Peninsula and Gulf at IRSEM: Institute for Strategic Research of Ecole Militaire at Paris.
Lecturer at Sciences Po in International relations Paris (2001-2008), and 2012-2017, Sciences Po Lille
and from 2020, on History and Contemporary Studies in the Arabian Peninsula.
Main topics of interest and studies relate on: the analysis of monarchical regimes and societies of the Arab
Peninsula, in particular, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia, regional and security issues between GCC
States and other Middle Eastern and African states.
Main publications:
- Monarchies et Sociétés d’Arabie. Le temps des confrontations . Paris, Presses de Sciences Po, 2006.
- L’Arabie en 100 questions, Paris, Tallandier, 2017, second edition published in portofollio, 2018 and 2020.
She has also published mainly in French in academic Peer reviews and other generalist reviews but also in English.
Last publications in French:
- Etude de l’IRSEM ; Arabie Saoudite: le pari sur la jeunesse de Mohammed Bin Salman, 80, 120 p., Mai 2021. To be translated in Englih, fall 2021.
- La guerre de l’information dans la crise du Golfe, Céline Marangé, Maud Quessard (dir), Les guerres de l’information dans le monde, Paris, Puf, 2021, chapitre 8.
- « La nation saoudienne rêvée de Mohammed Bin Salman», Pierre Blanc (dir) Les nationalismes au Moyen-Orient, Paris, L’Harmattan, 2020, chapitre 4.
English :
- Saudi Arabian Regional Policy, orient III/2021, 62, Rapprochement in the GCC, German Orient Foundation, p.47-54.
- The New Saudi Leadership and its Impact on Regional Policy, International Spectator; Between the Domestic and the International – Ideational Factors, Peace Building & Foreign policy in the Middle East and the Persian Gulf. Fall 2021.
- Algeria and the Gulf: GCC States and Iran, Politics of Algeria, Y.Zoubir (ed.), Domestic issues and International relations, Routledge, 2020, chapter 17.