French-Lebanese, Antoine Fleyfel is a doctor of philosophy (Paris 1) and doctor of theology (Strasburg). Professor at Lille Catholic University from 2012 to 2019, in 2020 he founded the Institut Chrétiens d’Orient (ICO) with the support of the Œuvre d’Orient, of which he is a member. Affiliated to Saint Joseph University of Beirut where he has been involved for more than ten years, he is the author of numerous books and articles and regularly appears in the media and the press. Fleyfel founded and runs an academic collection published by L’Harmattan: Pensée religieuse et philosophique arabe [Arab religious and philosophical thought], and the academic journal Perspectives & Réflexions [Perspectives & Reflections] published by l’Œuvre d’Orient. A specialist in Eastern Christians, he is notably consulted by official authorities.