Since August 1998: Deputy editor-in-chief of Mon Quotidien and L’Actu
1996 to 1998: Deputy editor-in-chief of Mon Quotidien
1995 to 1996: Editor at Mon Quotidien
April to December 1994: Regular freelance assignments at the Journal de Mickey and freelance assignments for Infos Junior (now L’Hebdo des Juniors)
June 1992 to November 1994: Regular freelance assignments at La République du Centre in Eure-et-Loir and at La Dépêche du Midi in Aveyron (Decazeville agency manager in summer 1993)
October to December 1992: Internship at Le Quotidien de Paris (Philippe Tesson era) in the culture department. Coverage of film and rock festivals and artist interviews. Published articles.
2002: Afghanistan: Two weeks of reporting: Kabul, Panshir Valley, girls’ education, street children, malnutrition, etc.;
New York: UN World Summit for Children;
Deauville American Film Festival (covered since 1995)
2000: Indonesia: 5 weeks of reporting on the tracks of Bougainville, with the Patrice Franceschi expedition for the trip on board “la Boudeuse”, an old Chinese junk
1999: Macedonia: 2 week report in Kosovar refugee camps during the Kosovo War
1998: Mali: Monitoring of a UNICEF mission