Ahmet Insel was born in Istanbul in 1955. With a PHD in the University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, he led the economics UFR of this university and was his Vice President. He has been professor at the Galatasaray University since 2002. He was a colomnist in Turkish daily newspaper from 1994 and 2018, and coordinates now the editorial activities of the publishing house Iletisim and takes part in the collective which publish the magazine Birikim. He was for a long time the editorial secretary of La Revue du MAUSS.
Last books published : (with Pierre-Yves Hénin) "Le national-capitalisme autoritaire : une menace pour la démocratie", Les éditions Bleu autour, 2021 ; "La Nouvelle Turquie d’Erdogan ? Du rêve démocratique à la dérive autoritaire", La Découverte, 2017.