After legal and management studies, Galitt Kenan worked in strategy and finance consulting. She joined the world of NGOs in 2000. She managed the Hommes de Parole Foundation and set up an extraordinary project allowing 100 rabbis and 100 imams from all over the world to discuss and initiate concrete actions. This inter-religious dialogue, resulted in the creation of an institute, "Tolerance Watch", which was then integrated into the United Nations.
Galitt then headed Yann Arthus-Bertrand and the GoodPlanet Foundation's "6 Billion Others" project. A video portrait of humanity. An outsized project: after interviewing more than 5,600 people in 64 countries, the films have been the subject of more than 30 exhibitions around the world and won numerous awards. In this context, she has managed the publication of various books and organized international conferences with leaders of this world. Already the will to create the link between humans. To reflect on our relationship with living things.
She currently heads the Jane Goodall Institute France, at a time of strong development of its actions and its visibility. The institute works for a peaceful coexistence between people, other animals and nature. It protects hundreds of chimpanzees (in sanctuaries, reserves and others), fights against the fragmentation of natural habitats and deforestation (agroecology, ecological corridors, reforestation ...) and works in collaboration with the local populations who are at the heart of the Institute's conservation strategy (access to education, health, water, food security, micro-credit, women empowerment, etc.). In France, as in 60 countries around the world, the Jane Goodall Institute supports young people who wish to work for a better world.