Sonia Le Gouriellec has a PhD in Political Science (International Relations) and is a lecturer at the Université Catholique de Lille (Faculty of Law). She was previously a researcher at the Institut de Recherche Stratégique de l'École Militaire (IRSEM) of the French Ministry of Defence, with responsibility for sub-Saharan Africa.
She teaches at Sciences Po Paris and is an associated researcher at the Foundation for Strategic Research (FRS) and the Raoul Dandurand Chair. She co-directs the Africa section of the French Directory of International Relations (AFRI). She is responsible for the Security theme of the C3RD, co-host of the Security axis of the Observatory of Multilateralism and International Organisations and member of the editorial committee of Rubicon and the International Review of Comparative Politics.
She runs the @MorningAfrika account on Twitter. Her work mainly focuses on issues of peace and security in the Horn of Africa, hierarchy and decentring in international relations and foreign policy.
She published the work "Djibouti : la diplomatie de géant d’un petit Etat" at Presses universitaire du Septentrion (2020), “Géopolitics de l’Afrique” in the collection “Que sais-je ?" at Presses Universitaire de France (2022), “Pourquoi l’Afrique est entrée dans l’histoire (sans nous) ?", Hikari Editions (2022) and, in 2023, with Delphine Allès and Melissa Levaillant "Regards croisés sur la paix et la sécurité : une anthologie décentrée" at CNRS Editions.