Bakary Sambe is Regional Director of the Timbuktu Institute-African Centre for Peace Studies (Dakar, Niamey et Bamako). Founder of the Observatoire des radicalismes et conflits religieux en Afrique (Observatory of Radicalisation and Religious Conflicts in Africa), Sambe is a teacher-researcher at Gaston Berger University in Saint-Louis (Senegal). His current work focusses on endogenous strategies, cross-border dynamics, and the experimentation of agile approaches in crisis zones. As an expert for the United Nations, EU, African Union etc., he notably designed and led the advocacy for the establishment of a G5 Sahel regional unit for the prevention of, and fight against, radicalism (CELLRAD), supported the process for the development of national strategies in Niger, Burkina Faso and the Central African Republic, and produced the first International Handbook of Good Practices for Building Resilience. As well as numerous articles, Sambe has published several books, including: Islam et diplomatie, la politique africaine du Maroc, (2010-11), Boko Haram, du poblème nigérian à la menace régionale (2015), and Contestations islamisées. le Sénégal entre diplomatie d'influence et islam politique (2018).