Justin Vaïsse

Justin Vaïsse is a French historian and the current director of the Center for Analysis, Forecasting and Strategy of the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Development.

Graduate from École Normale Supérieure, aggregated and qualified to direct research, he is a specialist in the history of international relations and American history. He has been Associate Professor at Sciences-Po Paris (1999-2006), at the School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) at Johns Hopkins University (2007-2013) and Research Director at the Brookings Institution (2007-2013).

He is the author of many books, including Washington and the world: dilemmas of a superpower (with Pierre Hassner, ed., 2003); Neoconservatism: The Biography of a Movement (Harvard University Press, 2010) and Barack Obama's Foreign Policy (Odile Jacob, 2012). 

Director, Centre for analysis, forecasting and strategy of the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs

Participation in the sessions of the Forum