Video of the 2021 conference - Why does peace elude us?

The fourth edition of the Normandy World Peace Forum on 30 September and 1 October 2021 opened with this question, theme of the first conference: "Why does peace elude us?"
In today’s world, armed conflicts, geopolitical tensions and disagreements between states and on the international stage are destabilising peace. But other social, economic and humanitarian challenges also pose a threat to world peace and need to be tackled. Their many and various impacts on communities and societies are undermining peace in every corner of the globe, posing a threat – among other things – to the safety and food security of millions of people. Yet the international community is still not doing anywhere near enough to consider and address these issues.
In today’s world, armed conflicts, geopolitical tensions and disagreements between states and on the international stage are destabilising peace. But other social, economic and humanitarian challenges also pose a threat to world peace and need to be tackled. Their many and various impacts on communities and societies are undermining peace in every corner of the globe, posing a threat – among other things – to the safety and food security of millions of people. Yet the international community is still not doing anywhere near enough to consider and address these issues.