Les droits des femmes, un enjeu géopolitique @Stock Adobe
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Women make up nearly half of the world’s population (49.6%) and play a central role in all countries, whether in social, economic, or political development… Where do we stand regarding their rights?

World Forum

In a recent press release, UN Women revealed that one in four countries reported a rollback of women’s rights in 2024.
‘When women and girls can thrive, the entire community benefits. Yet, globally, women’s fundamental rights are under attack. Instead of widespread equality, we are witnessing widespread misogyny. Together, we must stand up to ensure that human rights, equality, and empowerment become a reality for all women and girls, for everyone, everywhere,’ said UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres. 
Respect for women’s rights is a major geopolitical issue that touches on many aspects, which Normandie for Peace has highlighted over the years and through the editions of the World Forum. Below, you will find resources related to the various issues.

Gender-based violence

The oppression of women around the world - The Imagine Project

As crises proliferate around the globe, we are called to an increased duty of vigilance regarding women’s rights. History shows us how fragile these rights are and how they are constantly being challenged. No one is immune. And while the threat persists for the female gender as a whole, two countries particularly draw our attention: Iran and Afghanistan. While resistance can still be expressed in the former, the gag is now so tight in the latter that all voices are silenced.

Founder of the Young Girls Leaders Club of Guinea, Hadja Idrissa Bah reflected in 2022 on the situation of women’s rights in Guinea and the necessary changes that need to take place in this country where 96% of young girls still undergo, among other things, excision. And it starts with education.

Women and conflicts

Deputy Secretary-General Pramila Patten is the United Nations Special Representative on Sexual Violence in Conflict, appointed since April 12, 2017. Prior to this appointment and since 2003, Ms. Patten was a member of the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW). A Mauritian national, she has been practicing law since 1982 and is a member of the Honorable Society of Gray’s Inn. She also served as an advisor to the Ministry of Women’s Rights, Child Development, and Family Welfare of Mauritius from 2000 to 2004.

Armed conflicts deeply affect women, who suffer from gender-based violence, such as rape, used as a weapon of war to terrorize, dehumanize, and spread diseases. Although they are often victims, women are also actors in conflicts, taking up arms, protesting, or leading with as much determination as men. However, they remain underrepresented in peace processes, despite studies showing that their participation improves the durability of agreements. Examples like Leymah Gbowee in Liberia or the mothers of ‘Machsom Watch’ in the West Bank demonstrate that women can be powerful forces for peace and justice. Fully integrating women into conflict resolution is essential to building a sustainable and inclusive peace.

Women and Peace

Resist! Women in Struggle

During the 20th century, women claimed and obtained rights: the right to vote, voluntary termination of pregnancy… But nothing is ever guaranteed, and the fight for women’s rights must always be renewed.

The fight of women for a peaceful world: parity, equality, and battles to be fought

First Lady of Iceland, Eliza Reid, spoke in 2023 at the Les Boréales festival about the role of women in peacebuilding.

Ten Women’s Battles - INA Web Series

Women’s Rights for the Peace of Peoples by Magali Lafourcade, Secretary General of the National Consultative Commission on Human Rights (CNCDH)

Magali Lafourcade


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