Geneviève Avenard wad director of Prevention and Social Action of the General Council of Eure-et-Loir (1985-98) and deputy Director General of Solidarity and Family Services at Côte-d'Or General Council (1998-2006). In 2005 she was Rapporteur of the national working group on improving the care of protected minors. From 2006 to 2008
she was Deputy Director General for Child Protection and Disability and Addiction Support at the Observatory of Decentralized Social Action (Odas). From 2008 to 2014, she was General Director of Acodège, association managing social and medico-social institutions and services in Dijonnais.
Before she was administrator of the association SOS Children's Villages. Since 2014, she is President of the AOMF Committee (Association of Ombudsmen and Mediators of La Francophonie) on the rights of the child (s) and since 2017, President of the European Network of Child Defenders (ENOC).