Jean-François DI MEGLIO has devoted his professional and academic careers to better understanding Asia as a whole and building bridges between economic, business, political circles in the two environments as he has spent over 35 years of his life in connections with Asian countries both as a banker and as a researcher and expert. He currently is the President of Paris-based Asia Centre wich he contributed establishing ten years ago. His academic contributions on Asia and specifically international relations, energy security, macro-economics and intertwinning between the long history of Chinese philosophical thinking and the modern and contemporary issues.
In 2012, he co-edited with Pr Cabestan “China and the global financial crisis: a comparison with Europe” (Routledge ed.) and in 2016 he co-edited with Dr Giulia Romano “China’s energy security: a multidimensional perspective” (Routledge ed.).
Jean-François lectures at French School of political sciences (“Sciences po”) on “China as a new player in global governance” and at University Paris Dauphine (PSL) on “Doing business with Asia”.