Fabienne KELLER, MEP and 4th Quaestor of the European Parliament
Fabienne Keller is an engineer and graduate of the Ecole Polytechnique and the University of California, Berkeley. She began her professional career at the Ministry of Agriculture and then at the Ministry of Finance, before moving to the private sector and joining the Crédit Industriel d'Alsace et Lorraine. Her political involvement began in the Neudorf district of Strasbourg, where she was elected departmental and then regional councillor. She was the first woman to sit on the Bas-Rhin General Council. In 2001, she was elected Mayor of Strasbourg and then Senator of the Bas-Rhin. In the Senate, she is involved in the European Affairs Committee and the Finance Committee. She is responsible for reports on carbon taxation, air quality and transport infrastructure. After her mandate as a senator, she was elected as an MEP in May 2019. In the European Parliament, she is particularly involved in the Committee for Justice and Civil Liberties, as well as the Budget Committee. She works, among other things, on the protection of the rule of law in Europe, as well as on asylum and migration. In January 2022, she was elected Quaestor of the European Parliament and, in this capacity, was a member of the Bureau and the College of Quaestors. These two political bodies are responsible for organising the work of the Parliament