Born in 1977 in Minsk, Belarus. In 2002 he graduated from the Belarusian State University of Culture. In 1978-91 and 2002-2018 he lived in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, in the Russian Far East.
Art / Cartoons / comics published in - Znamya Yunosty, Vecherny Minsk, Cultura, Navinki magazine (Belarus), region 41, Vesty, Borsuk, Mail News, Kamchatskoye Vremya, Komsomolets Moskowski, Arguments @ Facts, MAXIM (Russia), The Art newspaper (UK), RUS media (Netherlands), Deutsche Welle, Spiegel, TAZ (Germany), Le Cahier Dessine, Sine Mensuel (France), Le Temps, 24 heures (Switzerland).
In total, more than 1,500 cartoons, more than 250 comics, cartoons, feuilletons have been published. Carried out private commissions, artistic commissions for TV company "Fit" (Belarus), film studios "Belarusfilm", "Mosfilm". Illustrated books. Works preserved in private collections in Spain, Belarus, Germany, Poland, Ukraine, Russia, Swiss, Latvia, Austria, US, Mexico and France. He emigrated to France because of threats received after a caricature of a deputy of the State Duma of Russia.